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 First International Noc Nascar Event

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Messages : 45
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2011
Age : 49

First International Noc Nascar Event Empty
MessageSujet: First International Noc Nascar Event   First International Noc Nascar Event EmptyDim 13 Nov - 18:44

I paste the message you sent me speedfox regarding the event of 27/11/2011:

First International NOC Nascar Event

There are 150 000 Copper to win.

On 27.11.2011 is our first Nascar event for all visitors of our server.
There are 80 places available. The server is online at 19.30 Clock. No registration is required.

Start: 20.oo Clock server-time .
Location: NOC Teamserver (Germany / Bavaria / Augsburg), Server Log: old_black_01

We drive 3 races, approximately 30 minutes. On each Track are 50 000 Coppers to win.
Start: 1.Race 20.00 clock
Start: 2.Race 20.45 clock
Start: 3.Race 21.30 clock

Winning by races:
1st Place 20 000 Coppers
2nd Place12 000 Coppers
3rd Place 7000 Coppers
4th Place 5000 Coppers
5th Place 3000 Coppers
6th Place 2000 Coppers
7th Place 1000 Coppers

Payout ist ONLY for Players with United Account.

I tried to post this into your Board but i couldn´t open a new Thread. Maybe not the rights to do it.

Please post it for your Clan Mates.

Best Regards


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